Mergers and Acquisitions in Senior Living Increase in Frequency

Today on the blog, I will be discussing how ProviNET [...]

Microsoft Makes Change to Nonprofit License Requirements for Senior Living Providers

At the 2021 Inspire conference, Microsoft announced it made an adjustment to their nonprofit licensing guidelines to include aged services and senior living providers. This departure comes at an unprecedented time for providers who were hit hard during the COVID19 pandemic.

By |2021-07-26T16:44:28-05:00July 26, 2021|Microsoft|0 Comments

Staff Augmentation during COVID-19

One common theme that we have found during COVID is that a lot of providers may still have a big desire for implementing new technology amidst the pandemic, but they are afraid to put any additional burden on their staff that such efforts may require. However, some of our customers have still found a way to move forward with new technology projects to realize all the benefits they offer, while still shielding their teams from shouldering a lot of the burden.

IT Strategic Planning during COVID-19

Even before COVID, ProviNET was seeing a good deal of providers striving to put together a focused plan around technology, one that would fit around their overall strategic plan for the organization. Prior to 2020, there was a big push in the industry to revolutionize how providers saw technology, and ProviNET was fortunate to be the first-choice partner for a good deal of them with our IT Strategic Planning projects. However, as the team began one of these projects with a multi-site community just outside of Boston, we found ourselves in a unique spot as the country began to go on lockdown.

EHR Implementation during COVID-19

Going through a transition from one EHR to another is always a huge task for a provider, even when there isn’t a pandemic to navigate around. However, in the summer of 2020, one CCRC in South Carolina still saw the value in moving to a more modern EHR solution to provide better care to their patients and a better experience for their staff. The one challenge though was ensuring that the clinicians felt comfortable and fully educated in how to use the new EHR as it became their new daily workflow.

ProviNET Solutions Ranked Among World’s Most Elite 501 Managed Service Providers

ProviNET Solutions has been named as one of the world’s premier managed service providers on the prestigious 2020 annual Channel Futures MSP 501 rankings.

By |2020-07-30T14:53:16-05:00July 30, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Top 6 Benefits of Moving Your Business to the Cloud

Organizations of all sizes are perpetually looking for ways to improve operations in an effort to most effectively fulfill their mission. For many, technology is a tool to increase efficiency and provide analytics into meaningful data sources. Public cloud services offer organizations a comprehensive toolset aimed at increasing efficiency, streamlining operations, reducing risks and increasing value. The Microsoft Azure cloud solution is a multi-faceted resource stack that every organization should be critically considering.

By |2024-09-16T11:39:05-05:00June 5, 2019|Cloud|0 Comments

Top 10 Items to Incorporate for IT in Your Strategic Planning

With the landscape of the long-term post-acute care (LTPAC) arena changing drastically, now and in the very near future, having a Strategic Plan in place for your organization is more important now than ever.  With value based reimbursement, consumer demands, and the hospitals’ mandate for data…the LTPAC market is more competitive than it has ever been!  We have to do more for less, and having a plan to overcome this is vital.  Furthermore, technology is no longer something to merely “keep up on” in this industry, it is one of the most valuable tools we have on our belt.  It is probably the single most key component to taking our strategic plans from being focused on “surviving” to being focused on “thriving.” What technology initiatives are most important to focus on when developing a Strategic Plan in the LTPAC arena?  Here are ProviNET’s top 10:

By |2024-09-16T11:39:55-05:00September 18, 2018|IT Strategic Planning, Uncategorized|0 Comments

GAN Board Chair, Rich Schutt, Shares Vision for Global Ageing in 2018

Providence Life Services CEO, Rich Schutt is looking forward to leading the Global Ageing Network as their new board chair in 2018. In a recent article, he shared his vision which included three main objectives for the upcoming year.

By |2024-09-16T11:46:37-05:00February 1, 2018|Articles - Healthcare|0 Comments
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