“Electronic Health Records Technology” Webinar a Success

Discover the role of electronic health records technology in long-term care with ProviNET’s EMR Expert, Joe Velderman :: ProviNET’s live webinar presented last week on June 5, 2013, hosted by Care Innovations, was a great success! Attendees from 34 states discovered the role of technology in long-term care and how electronic health records can benefit

EMR Technology expert Joe Velderman speaks about EHR/EMR – Webinar June 5, 2013

Join Joe Velderman, ProviNET’s EMR technology expert, as he sheds light on the differences and benefits of EHR and EMR. Tinley Park, IL (May 28, 2013) ProviNET Solutions, a full-service IT company that offers a comprehensive spectrum of technology products and services for senior living facilities throughout the United States recently, announced that Joe Velderman,