Congress Enacts CLOUD act through Omnibus Spending Bill

In the early morning hours of Friday March 23, the United States congress passed a $1.3 trillion dollar spending bill allowing the government to spend money through September 2018. The bill passed 65-32 in the senate, averting a potential government shutdown and funding the government through September 30. This omnibus bill (like many other historical omnibus bills) contains a lot of new legislation, and we're just starting to learn about some of the impacts of this new legislation now. Specifically, there are some provisions in this new bill that impact the way that we all use technology.

By |2024-09-16T11:44:08-05:00March 28, 2018|Cybersecurity|0 Comments

An Enterprise Action Plan to address Meltdown and Spectre

Undoubtedly, in recent days you’ve heard about the Meltdown and Spectre security vulnerabilities making headlines. If you’re unsure of what Meltdown and Spectre are – spend a few minutes searching the internet, and you’ll find plenty of excellent articles explaining what the vulnerability is. In short, Meltdown is a security flaw that could allow malicious hackers to bypass the hardware barrier between applications run by users and computer’s core processing memory, which is normally highly protected. Spectre is slightly different; it potentially allows hackers to trick otherwise error-free applications into give up secret information.

By |2024-09-16T11:47:16-05:00January 9, 2018|Cybersecurity|0 Comments

4 Things to look forward to in 2018

Happy New Year! We truly hope that 2018 is a healthy, happy and prosperous year for you - in fact - we want to help you make it that way! I'm "jacked" (yes, I've been watching a lot re-runs of "Fixer Upper" on HGTV during my Christmas break) for 2018. ProviNET had a remarkable 2017, helping hundreds of customers and thousands of users make the most of their technology; but, I can't wait for what is in store for 2018. In the words of Emeril, we're kicking things up a notch.

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