Microsoft Makes Change to Nonprofit License Requirements for Senior Living Providers

At the 2021 Inspire conference, Microsoft announced it made an adjustment to their nonprofit licensing guidelines to include aged services and senior living providers. This departure comes at an unprecedented time for providers who were hit hard during the COVID19 pandemic.

By |2021-07-26T16:44:28-05:00July 26, 2021|Microsoft|0 Comments

CASE STUDY – Time for Change: Implementing both a New and Improved Wireless and Nurse Call System

Peace Village came to ProviNET Solutions with hopes of expanding wireless coverage throughout its campus. The organization’s main objective was to increase wireless strength inside each of the buildings, allowing residents and staff to stay connected anywhere on the campus. This endeavor required a lot of structured cabling to be installed throughout those buildings to provide connectivity for the access points.

By |2024-09-16T11:46:22-05:00February 9, 2018|Case Studies - Healthcare|0 Comments
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