ProviNET Solutions and SonicWall

SonicWall Gold Partner

Blog: 5 Cyberattack Vectors for MSSP to Mitigate in Healthcare

It’s no secret that healthcare continues to be one of the most targeted industries for cybercriminals. Healthcare providers store and maintain some of the most valuable data and the appetite for fraudulent claims or fake prescription medications is insatiable.

Despite all of the regulations, there are still fewer watchdogs overseeing healthcare. For many providers, cyber security hasn’t been a priority until very recently.

With more and more organizations reaching out to cyber security experts for assistance, it’s more important than ever that managed security services providers (MSSPs) understand the healthcare industry so that they can tailor solutions aimed at improving the security posture of healthcare providers.

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Blog: 3 Elements of a Successful Managed Security Services (MSS) Bundle

3 Elements of a Successful Managed Security Services (MSS) Bundle

The small- and medium-sized business (SMB) market is rapidly accelerating its adoption of converged managed IT services to alleviate headaches and prevent risks.

More and more businesses use cloud-based services for enterprise applications, processing or communications, placing an even higher priority on network performance and reliability. Yet many SMBs are facing a cybersecurity crisis.

Cyber threats are continuing to get more sophisticated and frequent; SMBs are becoming a more routine target. 61 percent of SMBs experienced a cyber breach in 2017, compared to 55 percent in 2016.

Most managed IT service providers recognize that SMBs don’t have the awareness, knowledge or resources to implement cyber defense mechanisms to effectively protect their data, devices and people.

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Vlog: SonicWall and ProviNET are Working Together to Keep Organizations Secure


2019 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report

To promote global awareness and facilitate important dialogues, SonicWall remains steadfast in its commitment to research, analyze and share threat intelligence via the 2019 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report.

The unification, analysis, and visualization of these threats will empower these groups to fight back with more authority, determination, and veracity
than ever before.

Read full report here

JULY 2019 – Mid-Year Update

Case Study: New Wide-Area Network Topology Enhances Cybersecurity and Business Continuity

UMC wanted to connect their multiple communities and office locations together to maintain 100% connectivity among them and the Internet. Remote users and offices needed efficient access to information across the organization, and of paramount importance, a solution assuring security. Additionally, they mandated a solution that not only mitigated risks from the Internet, but also segregated the paths for staff, residents, and guests on the network.

With these objectives in mind, UMC partnered with ProviNET Solutions in the design and implementation of a new wide-area network topology.

Click here to read the full case study

Solutions Brief: Healthcare Network Solutions

Healthcare IT systems are increasingly being integrated across enterprises, between different care providers, and opened up to outside information service providers, patients, and communities. The number and complexity of applications and systems being interfaced creates a daunting task for IT staff to implement and manage.

As this dynamic has gained momentum, a matrix of concerned entities across government and the healthcare community has provided guidance as well as impetus for the change.

Click here to read the full brief

Whitepaper: Achieve Deeper Network Security

Next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) have become the new norm in network security for organizations of all sizes. Unlike their predecessors which offered limited protection from today’s continually evolving threats, NGFWs deliver a much deeper level of security across wired and wireless networks. Not only do they inspect every byte of every packet while maintaining the high performance and low latency that busy networks require, they also combine high-performance SSL decryption and inspection, an intrusion prevention system (IPS) that features sophisticated anti-evasion technology and a network based malware protection system that leverages the power of the cloud. This powerful combination enables organizations to block sophisticated new threats that emerge on a daily basis.

SonicWall NGFWs provide organizations of any size a deeper level of network security without compromising network performance. Designed with scalable, multi-core hardware architecture and a patented1, single-pass, low latency, Reassembly-Free Deep Packet Inspection® (RFDPI) engine, these high-performance security appliances efficiently scan all traffic regardless of port or protocol. In addition to advanced SSL decryption and IPS capabilities, SonicWall NGFWs also have access to a continually updated cloud database that contains tens of millions of malware variants. In addition, they are easy to manage and deliver a low total cost of ownership.

Click here to read the full whitepaper

eBook: How Ransomware Can Hold Your Business Hostage

Ransomware can make its way onto a system through a variety of means, with the victim ultimately downloading and installing a malicious application. Once on the device, the app will spread throughout the system and encrypt files on the hard drive or simply lock the system itself. In some cases, it may block access to the system by displaying images or a message across the device’s screen to persuade the user to pay the malware operator a ransom for the encryption key to unlock the files or system.

Click here to read the full eBook


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