Sue Koldenhoven, R.N. / Director of EHR Consulting

Sue Koldenhoven, R.N.
Sue Koldenhoven serves as the Director of EHR Consulting at ProviNET and oversees both the project and support services for the software services team. Sue has a long history in the healthcare industry as a nurse specialist and has been involved with informatics around EMRs since 2008. She has expertise in selecting EMR software based on unique customer needs, implementing EMR software, providing operations guidance to customers, and managing ongoing software support. Sue has a highly regarded reputation for conducting clinical application optimizations providing analysis of current set-up and use and making recommendations for improvements to maximize data input and output.
Sue has been in the healthcare industry serving as a clinician for over 25 years and has a competitive understanding of the field and how to improve the day-to-day operations of our customers through the use of professionally selected technology. Sue obtained her Informatics Nurse Certificate in 2013 and she has experience in skilled nursing, home health and hospice, and pharmacies, and served as an Assisted Living Director in the past. Sue has been intimately involved with numerous EMR implementations and is highly regarded in the nursing informatics arena.