CASE STUDY – Time for Change: Implementing both a New and Improved Wireless and Nurse Call System

Peace Village came to ProviNET Solutions with hopes of expanding wireless coverage throughout its campus. The organization’s main objective was to increase wireless strength inside each of the buildings, allowing residents and staff to stay connected anywhere on the campus. This endeavor required a lot of structured cabling to be installed throughout those buildings to provide connectivity for the access points. While developing the networking diagrams, ProviNET discovered that Peace Village’s MDF (inside the main building) and IDF closets (all other buildings) didn’t have the capacity that was needed to complete the project. Upgrading the closets with the right equipment became the top priority. After that, cabling, wireless access points, switchgears and other items could be installed.

In addition to the increased wireless coverage, Peace Village decided that this was the time to improve their nurse call system. The existing system didn’t allow caregivers to see where residents were when calls for help went out for emergency assistance. ProviNET used that need to architect a new emergency call system from Status Solutions which not only replaced the existing nurse call functionality but also provided new capabilities for determining location in the event of mobile duress.

Download the full case study here