Ziegler Senior Living Finance and Strategy Conference
The 18th Annual Ziegler Senior Living Finance + Strategy Conference will be taking place in Indian Wells, California, September 16-18. During the Thursday afternoon sessions, ProviNET’s Carl Goodfriend and Joe Velderman will be presenting along with other technology leaders to address the current technological impact in senior living. In their presentation, “Keeping up with the Innovators: Technology Best Practices in Senior Living,” the focus will discuss different perspectives the role of technology has in the aging services division to increase awareness. Approximately 550 attendees from the country’s leading senior living executives, business firms, banks and investors will be in attendance. For more information, please see the link below. http://image.exct.net/lib/ff021271746401/d/4/zNews_Featured_081715.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Z-News+SL+Finance+08172015&utm_content=carlg@www.provinet.com&utm_source=