ProviNET Solutions took part in the Life Services Network (LSN) Convention for the 6th time as exhibitors this past April, now held in Rosemont, IL. LSN is a non-profit organization for those all over Illinois, as an opportunity for care givers to learn of practices or innovative tactics for education credits. The ProviNET table was a busy place to be this year, with many visitors stopping by to talk with our staff and even partake in ProviNET games!
“End users from companies like Presbyterian Homes, Plymouth Place, Norwood and Three Crowns Park can start to put a face with the names that they often connect with on a regular basis.”
-Joe Velderman
ProviNET Staff took was able to meet with current clients and made new connections along the way. This year ProviNET offered a variety of prizes for those who spun the ProviWHEEL, who then heard about our new Extended Period of Support for the HelpDesk and Software Support!
LSN also offered a client appreciation dinner, allowing patrons to enjoy one another’s company by meeting new faces and catching up with known clients. Through this, ProviNET further discussed new features and networks with fellow users, along with the sessions held throughout the 3-day period. These classes were filled with information on hot topics such as QAPI, Managed Care, INTEREACT and the new RUGs 48, as well as Medicaid Reimbursements rules, to which ProviNET’s own Joan McCarthy spoke about.
LSN is a wonderful opportunity for ProviNET to represent itself in its home state of users, touching base with a variety of clients that use our services for a number of reasons. ProviNET enjoyed connecting on a personal level with not only our customers, but users from our corporate office locally. LSN was a great success and we cannot wait until next year!